Journal Information

Communications Medicine is a selective open access journal from Nature Portfolio publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary across all clinical, translational and public health research fields. Primary research papers published by the journal represent significant advances in preventing, diagnosing or treating human disease of relevance to a specialized field. The journal is equally interested in publishing in well-established as well as emerging areas of medicine and public health.

Communications Medicine is a recently launched fully open access journal already indexed in ESCI, Scopus, PubMed Central, DOAJ, and Google Scholar. Articles published in the journal were downloaded 501,207 times in 2022. It takes 7 days from submission to the first editorial decision (median).

Communications Medicine complements the other Nature Portfolio journals by providing a new open access option for clinical, translational and public health research while applying less stringent criteria for impact and significance than the Nature-branded journals, including Nature Communications.

Communications Medicine publishes primary research Articles (both full and shorter papers) as well as post-publication comments or clarifications called Matters Arising. The journal also publishes commissioned Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments to provide a forum for the discussion and expert contextualisation of the latest medical and public health research advances. A guide to our content types can be found here.

All Nature Portfolio journals, including Communications Medicine, apply the same criteria for technical validity and adherence to ethical standards. More information about editorial policies at Nature Portfolio can be found here.

Why publish in Communications Medicine?

  • Publishes open access research in medicine and public health.
  • Committed to rapid dissemination of important research results.
  • Editorial collaboration between in-house editors and editorial board members.

Abstract and indexing

As with any new journal, full indexing takes some time. Communications Medicine will apply for inclusion within Clarivate Analytics Science Citation Index and for indexing in PubMed/MEDLINE, as well as other relevant services, as soon as possible. We will update the journal website to keep authors and readers up to date with the services the journal is indexed within.

Communications Medicine is currently indexed in:


The correct abbreviation for abstracting and indexing purposes is Commun. Med.

Press releases

Communications Medicine articles that are deemed especially newsworthy may be press released, to a registered list, by our press office. Journalists wishing to receive press releases while papers are still under embargo should contact [email protected] for further information.