Fig. 2: Relative change in median travel time and median distance traveled compared to the pre-pandemic baseline (corresponding quarter in 2019). | Communications Medicine

Fig. 2: Relative change in median travel time and median distance traveled compared to the pre-pandemic baseline (corresponding quarter in 2019).

From: Revealed versus potential spatial accessibility of healthcare and changing patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic

Fig. 2

The three rows represent data for passenger vehicles (a, b), public transportation (c, d), and walking (e, f), respectively. The panels on the left (a, c, e) depict change in travel time, and those on the right (b, d, f) depict change in distance traveled. Box-plots summarize the revealed time statistics across countries. Boxplots edges represent the 50th (center line), 25th, and 75th percentile (box limits), whereas the whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum values but no further than 1.5 times the interquartile range.

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