Extended Data Fig. 11: Human contaminants in bacterial reference genomes. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 11: Human contaminants in bacterial reference genomes.

From: The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome

Extended Data Fig. 11

a. Number of distinct RefSeq accessions in every 10 kb window containing 64-mers of GRCh38-Y (top), T2T-Y (middle), and in T2T-Y only (bottom). Here, RefSeq sequences with more than 20 64-mers or matching over 10% of the Y chromosome are included. b. Length distribution of the sequences from (a) in log scale. Majority of the shorter (<1 kb) sequences contain 64-mers found in HSat1B or HSat3. c. Number of bacterial RefSeq entries by strain identified to contain sequences of T2T-Y and not GRCh38-Y, visualized with Krona158.

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