Extended Data Fig. 4: Repeat discovery and annotation of T2T-Y. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Repeat discovery and annotation of T2T-Y.

From: The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome

Extended Data Fig. 4

a. Assembly completion allowed for a full assessment of repeats and resulted in the identification of previously unknown satellite arrays (predominantly in the PAR1) and subunit repeats that fall within one of three composite repeat units (TSPY, RBMY, DAZ). b. Ideogram of TE density (per 100 kb bin). This is an extension of Fig. 1 with non-SINEs expanded into separate TE classes (SVA, LTR, LINE, DNA/RC). Density scale ranges from low (white, zero) to high (black, relative to total density) and sequence classes are denoted by color. c. Summary (in terms of base coverage per region) across all five TE classes and two specific families: Alu/SINE and L1/LINE. The satellites in (b) were kept separate as two categories; Cen/Sat as the left satellite block including alpha satellites and DYZ19, while all other categories were combined per sequence classes.

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