Meet Myri

Evidence-Based Pregnancy and Postpartum Support

Let’s be real - motherhood is far from easy. From fertility challenges to postpartum recovery, moms need holistic and specialized care.

We've seen the need and we're here to help moms, every step of the way. With advanced features, reliable resources, and a non-judgmental community support, we have got your back from pregnancy through postpartum and beyond.

How Does It Work?

Holistic care supports you from pregnancy to postpartum with science-backed methods.

Complete Pregnancy Support

Getting started with your motherhood journey? We begin right from your first two lines—evidence-based resources to help you take care of yourself right from the start.

We Prep You For Birth

Birth plan generator, weekly evidence-based articles, anonymous community and more to guide you through pregnancy and ensure a safe and healthy delivery.

Postpartum Care

The 4th trimester shouldn't be navigated alone, we hold your hand when you leave the hospital. Myri provides AI-backed personalized pelvic floor rehab to ensure recovery. Manage diastasis recti, track progress, and find community support.

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