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a thousand possibilities

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22 February 2024
E-Job Fair

The Committee for Labor, Employment and Social Security of Minsk City Executive Committee is holding a specialized e-job fair, which includes vacancies for young people.

16 June 2023
Creating the future today!

The closing ceremony of the large-scale youth project of the Minsk City Executive Committee and the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus "Minsk Shift - 2023" took place in the capital's Victoria Olymp Hotel on June 16, 2023.

14 August 2023
Start of the Summer School at MSLU

On August 14, the first classes of the MSLU Summer Language School - 2023 were held. This year the participants were our students from the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea.

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International military historical marathon "Roads of Memory"

The International Military Historical Marathon "Roads of Memory" is an event that annually unites the most initiative students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries on the eve of the Great Victory Day. The marathon includes aspects of civic-patriotic, aesthetic, intellectual, as well as sports and wellness areas and is aimed at promoting ideas among young people to preserve the traditions of the Belarusian people.

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University сhoral festival of patriotic song "Let's sing together!"

The University Choral Festival of patriotic songs "Let's Sing Together" is a large–scale event that gives students the opportunity to express their love for the Motherland through music and touch art together. Held for the first time within the walls of Minsk State Linguistic University on April 19, 2023, the festival is designed annually to serve the main idea – to unite everyone: both the audience and the speakers, because the power of music has no boundaries.

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