The Recruiting Partner for High Growth Companies

Powered by AI. Moonhub combines world-class talent experts and proprietary AI to help you hire top candidates, faster.

Hyper-Growth Companies Hire with Moonhub
    Raspberry AI
    Virtuous AI
    Guardrails AI
    Thrive Global
    Zero Systems
    Enable Medicine
    Atomic AI

    Moonhub's AI-Native Approach to Recruiting

    Talent Partners
    Moonhub's talent partners are experts in hiring the best talent for your company's unique culture, size, and sector.
    Proprietary AI
    Moonhub's proprietary AI Instantly searches and interprets billions of data points to find and engage the best-fit candidates.
    Candidate Data
    Combining AI and expert talent partners, we ensure each candidate is expertly vetted and highly qualified.
    Rhombuses layered one on top of the other.

    Talent Partners

    Moonhub’s talent partners come from some of the world’s most talent-dense companies, and are trained to be specialists: hiring the best talent for your company's unique culture, size, and sector.

    Proprietary AI

    Moonhub's proprietary AI instantly searches and interprets billions of data points, looking beyond the typical attributes to find and engage candidates that fit the job criteria.

    Candidate Data

    We find candidates most recruiters miss. Combining technology to source and engage, and talent partners to expertly vet each candidate, we deliver highly qualified candidates for our clients.

    Moonhub's AI-Native Approach to Recruiting

    Talent Partners
    Moonhub’s talent partners come from some of the world’s most talent-dense companies, and are trained to be specialists: hiring the best talent for your company's unique culture, size, and sector.
    Proprietary AI
    Moonhub's proprietary AI instantly searches and interprets billions of data points, looking beyond the typical attributes to find and engage candidates that fit the job criteria.
    Candidate Data
    We find candidates most recruiters miss. Combining technology to source and engage, and talent partners to expertly vet each candidate, we deliver highly qualified candidates for our clients.
    Navigate left button for testimonials
    Navigate right button for testimonials
    “The first engineer we hired via Moonhub already works and rocks! Thanks Moonhub!”.
    Gevorg Karapetyan
    CTO of Zero
    Streamlined Ventures
    "Moonhub provides streamlined, high quality recruiting services. They removed the normal friction of coordinating with an external service and it feels like they’re an extension of our team. I know whenever they submit a candidate it is going to be worth the time to evaluate them."
    Andrew Beckman
    Co-founder & CTO of Rundoo
    “We’ve tried several different recruiting partners and Moonhub is the only one that has consistently delivered high-calibre engineering candidates. Their team is attentive, thorough, and overall great to work with.”
    Dan Lee
    Co-founder & CEO of Nooks
    Lachy Groom
    "I'm delighted that we recently made our first hire together and look forward to continuing to work with Moonhub's expert recruiters to identify skilled candidates who are passionate about delivering on Thrive's mission and making a positive impact on the world."
    Arianna Huffington
    Founder & CEO of Thrive Global
    Kleiner Perkins & Owl Ventures
    "Any startup that isn’t using Moonhub to hire is already losing the talent war. Moonhub is in a league of their own when it comes to seamless hiring experience, exceptional quality, fast time to hire, and knowing what I want."
    Shariar Tajbakhsh
    Co-founder & CTO of Metaview
    Village Global
    “With Moonhub, you don't have to explicitly say you want a diverse candidate pool. They have the ability to look for the best talent beyond the pedigree of school or a program.”
    Hillary Geissinger
    Head of Talent of
    Radical Ventures
    "Moonhub’s ability to source exceptional candidates is second to none! I interview only 10-20% of candidates most recruiters send me, and with Moonhub that number is easily 80%+."
    Rory Donovan
    Founder & CEO of Virtuous AI
    “Moonhub has introduced us to individuals far more talented and skilled than any other recruiter we have worked with, across a variety of roles!"
    Sahaj Garg
    Co-Founder and CTO of Wispr AI
    8VC and NEA
    "I'm delighted that we recently made our first hire together and look forward to continuing to work with Moonhub's expert recruiters to identify skilled candidates who are passionate about delivering on Thrive's mission and making a positive impact on the world."
    Founder & CEO of Thrive Global
    Arianna Huffington
    “We’ve tried several different recruiting partners and Moonhub is the only one that has consistently delivered high-calibre engineering candidates. Their team is attentive, thorough, and overall great to work with.”
    Co-founder & CEO of Nooks
    Dan Lee
    "Moonhub provides streamlined, high quality recruiting services. They removed the normal friction of coordinating with an external service and it feels like they’re an extension of our team. I know whenever they submit a candidate it is going to be worth the time to evaluate them."
    Co-founder & CTO of Rundoo
    Andrew Beckman
    "Moonhub’s ability to source exceptional candidates is second to none! I interview only 10-20% of candidates most recruiters send me, and with Moonhub that number is easily 80%+."
    Founder & CEO of Virtuous AI
    Rory Donovan
    "Any startup that isn’t using Moonhub to hire is already losing the talent war. Moonhub is in a league of their own when it comes to seamless hiring experience, exceptional quality, fast time to hire, and knowing what I want."
    Co-founder & CTO of Metaview
    Shariar Tajbakhsh
    “Moonhub has introduced us to individuals far more talented and skilled than any other recruiter we have worked with, across a variety of roles!"
    Co-Founder and CTO of Wispr AI
    Sahaj Garg
    “With Moonhub, you don't have to explicitly say you want a diverse candidate pool. They have the ability to look for the best talent beyond the pedigree of school or a program.”
    Head of Talent of
    Hillary Geissinger
    “The first engineer we hired via Moonhub already works and rocks! Thanks Moonhub!”.
    CTO of Zero
    Gevorg Karapetyan
    "I'm delighted that we recently made our first hire together and look forward to continuing to work with Moonhub's expert recruiters to identify skilled candidates who are passionate about delivering on Thrive's mission and making a positive impact on the world."
    Founder & CEO of Thrive Global
    Arianna Huffington
    “We’ve tried several different recruiting partners and Moonhub is the only one that has consistently delivered high-calibre engineering candidates. Their team is attentive, thorough, and overall great to work with.”
    Co-founder & CEO of Nooks
    Dan Lee
    "Moonhub provides streamlined, high quality recruiting services. They removed the normal friction of coordinating with an external service and it feels like they’re an extension of our team. I know whenever they submit a candidate it is going to be worth the time to evaluate them."
    Co-founder & CTO of Rundoo
    Andrew Beckman
    "Moonhub’s ability to source exceptional candidates is second to none! I interview only 10-20% of candidates most recruiters send me, and with Moonhub that number is easily 80%+."
    Founder & CEO of Virtuous AI
    Rory Donovan
    "Any startup that isn’t using Moonhub to hire is already losing the talent war. Moonhub is in a league of their own when it comes to seamless hiring experience, exceptional quality, fast time to hire, and knowing what I want."
    Co-founder & CTO of Metaview
    Shariar Tajbakhsh
    “Moonhub has introduced us to individuals far more talented and skilled than any other recruiter we have worked with, across a variety of roles!"
    Co-Founder and CTO of Wispr AI
    Sahaj Garg
    “With Moonhub, you don't have to explicitly say you want a diverse candidate pool. They have the ability to look for the best talent beyond the pedigree of school or a program.”
    Head of Talent of
    Hillary Geissinger
    “The first engineer we hired via Moonhub already works and rocks! Thanks Moonhub!”.
    CTO of Zero
    Gevorg Karapetyan
    "I'm delighted that we recently made our first hire together and look forward to continuing to work with Moonhub's expert recruiters to identify skilled candidates who are passionate about delivering on Thrive's mission and making a positive impact on the world."
    Founder & CEO of Thrive Global
    Arianna Huffington
    “We’ve tried several different recruiting partners and Moonhub is the only one that has consistently delivered high-calibre engineering candidates. Their team is attentive, thorough, and overall great to work with.”
    Co-founder & CEO of Nooks
    Dan Lee
    "Moonhub provides streamlined, high quality recruiting services. They removed the normal friction of coordinating with an external service and it feels like they’re an extension of our team. I know whenever they submit a candidate it is going to be worth the time to evaluate them."
    Co-founder & CTO of Rundoo
    Andrew Beckman
    "Moonhub’s ability to source exceptional candidates is second to none! I interview only 10-20% of candidates most recruiters send me, and with Moonhub that number is easily 80%+."
    Founder & CEO of Virtuous AI
    Rory Donovan
    "Any startup that isn’t using Moonhub to hire is already losing the talent war. Moonhub is in a league of their own when it comes to seamless hiring experience, exceptional quality, fast time to hire, and knowing what I want."
    Co-founder & CTO of Metaview
    Shariar Tajbakhsh
    “Moonhub has introduced us to individuals far more talented and skilled than any other recruiter we have worked with, across a variety of roles!"
    Co-Founder and CTO of Wispr AI
    Sahaj Garg
    “With Moonhub, you don't have to explicitly say you want a diverse candidate pool. They have the ability to look for the best talent beyond the pedigree of school or a program.”
    Head of Talent of
    Hillary Geissinger
    “The first engineer we hired via Moonhub already works and rocks! Thanks Moonhub!”.
    CTO of Zero
    Gevorg Karapetyan
    The perfect hire from 1B+ candidates, using patented AI that leaves no stone unturned.
    World-class talent partners vet and screen every candidate, unearthing the best talent.
    On average, clients hire four weeks sooner with Moonhub compared to other agencies.

    What Moonhub Does for You

    Decorative flareAn image illustrating faster times to hire
    Faster Time to Hire
    We don't waste time. We know how critical each hire is for our clients. That's why we embed ourselves into your team to calibrate the role from the start and ensure we're delivering top-quality candidates you'll want to speak to.

    On average, clients hire four weeks sooner with Moonhub.
    an illustration of highly qualified candidates
    Highly Qualified Candidates
    Our world-class talent partners have years of experience vetting and qualifying candidates. Each candidate goes through several rounds of screening calls before being presented to our clients.

    On average, clients interview 80% of the candidates presented by Moonhub.
    An illustration of success driven hiring
    Success-Driven Hiring
    Our world-class talent partners support you every step of the way whether it's sourcing, checking in on candidates during interviews, or negotiating the final offer. We don't stop until you make a great hire (and beyond!).

    On average, 1 in 4 candidates introduced to clients get an offer.

    Here's How it Works

    We save you time while still ensuring you make the best hire. Our simple, three-step approach to hiring combines our patented AI technology to source, and our expert talent partners to vet and help ensure you hire the best candidate for the job.
    Align on Search
    Collaborate with your dedicated talent partner to establish a clear profile for the ideal candidate. Then we'll begin identifying and engaging all potential candidates for the job.
    Review Candidates
    Next, we meticulously screen each candidate to assess their compatibility for the role. The candidates that qualify are presented to you for interviews.
    Make your Hire
    Once you identify the ideal candidate, we'll assist in closing the hire, making certain the perfect candidate becomes a part of your team.

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