NewMongoDB AI Applications Program: A full ecosystem for building with AI

MongoDB for Artificial Intelligence

MongoDB Atlas securely unifies operational, unstructured, and AI-related data to streamline building AI-enriched applications.
Generative AI and Advanced Search
Learn how developers accelerate the delivery of production-scale and secure AI-enriched apps using a platform that unifies operational and AI data services.View the white paper
MongoDB AI Applications Program

MongoDB AI Applications Program

The MongoDB AI Applications Program gives organizations the roadmap, industry expertise, and technology needed to move quickly from ideation to deployment of generative AI applications at scale.

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Unlock generative AI value

Generative AI-enriched applications

Today's AI-powered apps go beyond predictive analytics to create new experiences in real time — including chatbots offering personalized support and AI-generated images, code, audio, and video — all from natural language inputs.AI recipes to kickstart innovation

Powerful AI-enriched applications

Artificial intelligence is already being used to transform the conventional value chain, presenting opportunities to automate complex decision-making for personalization, fraud prevention, predictive maintenance, and more.AI for predictive maintenance

Learn How Leading Industries are Transforming with AI and MongoDB Atlas

Discover how to leverage MongoDB to streamline development for the next generation of AI-powered applications.

Read the White Paper

The world's most versatile developer data platform


Unify diverse data services

Simplify the AI lifecycle through operational, analytical, and AI data services that leverage a single data model and single query API on top of a highly scalable and secure multi-cloud platform.


Flexible document model

Innovate and experiment with new parameters and data of any type by landing, storing, and indexing data without lengthy schema design or ongoing modifications.


Optimized storage and tiering

Combine data tiering and federation with row and column indexing in a horizontally scalable, operational database to achieve high throughput and low latency for inference stores.


Expressive, familiar API

Enhance productivity for developers and ML/AI teams with a single expressive query API that simplifies data preparation, model training, inferencing, and knowledge retrieval.


Native vector capabilities

Augment applications with generative AI through natively integrated vector and document datastores without the extra infrastructure to provision, secure, or manage.


Extensive integrations

Build AI-enriched applications with the leading multi-cloud developer data platform and a robust AI partner ecosystem, including MLOps platforms and open-source LLMs.


Application-driven intelligence

Application-driven intelligence powers apps that leverage AI and analytics to surface insights, autonomously take action, and engage users with natural language.


Atlas Stream Processing

Transform building ML/AI apps requiring skew detection, feature stores, and enrichment pipelines. Unify working with data in motion and at rest.


Time series collections

Build and run data-intensive analytical applications by combining the flexibility of the document model with time series collections.

“A very common use case in language AI is creating vectors that represent language. The ability to have that vectorized language representation in the same database as other representations, which you can then access via a single query interface, solves a core problem for us as an API company.”
Amit Ben
Founder/CEO, OneAI
Read the whole story
“MongoDB has been instrumental in bringing Cognigy.AI — our contact center AI platform for customer service transformation — to life, enabling us to handle hundreds of queries per second.”
Benjamin Mayr
VP of Engineering, Co-Founder, Cognigy
“With Atlas Vector Search, now we have a comprehensive vector-metadata database — that’s been battle-tested over a decade — that solves our dense retrieval needs [to perform retrieval-augmented generation]. No need to deploy a new database we have to manage and learn.”
Pierce Lamb
Senior Software Engineer, VISO TRUST
“Atlas Vector Search was the answer to our problems. It simplifies a lot of the work that goes into making Okta Inbox super user-friendly for customers. It was amazing to find a solution that integrates so easily with MongoDB Atlas. We didn’t have to compromise on having a single data platform.”
Suchit Agarwal
VP of Director of Engineering, Okta
“To be successful, apps need to help your people be successful. Machine learning can remove a lot of repetitive, low-value tasks and free your people up to shine.”
Toheeb Okenla
AI and Vision Group, Grainger

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Support for your AI journey

Are you a developer at a small startup or an executive looking for guidance on how to get started with generative AI? Wherever you are in your AI journey, MongoDB has you covered with one of our AI programs.

AI Innovators

For leading AI startups or businesses just getting started — gain access to expert technical support, Atlas credits, and the opportunity to create go-to-market partnerships.


AI Accelerator

Achieve AI goals faster with MongoDB leading use case validation, solution design, and development. The Accelerator service equips you with functional prototypes and a clear path to production.


MongoDB AI Applications Program

The program gives organizations the roadmap, industry expertise, and technology needed to quickly move from ideation to deployment of generative AI applications at scale.


AI Resources Hub

View our library of articles, analyst reports, and case studies to streamline development for the next generation of AI applications.

Go from 0 to 1 to enterprise-ready with MongoDB Atlas and LLMs
Get started with MongoDB Atlas, popular generative AI frameworks, and LLMs to build your next-generation application that can perform at scale.
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Build AI applications with Atlas today

MongoDB Atlas unifies operational, analytical, and AI data to streamline building secure AI-enriched applications.Try Free