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What we’re about

We are a Tokyo-based barbershop chorus. If you are looking for a chorus in the Tokyo area singing English songs to have great fun on weekends, this group is for you!

We rehearse every 1st, 3rd and 5th (if any) Saturday of the month, from 2PM to 5PM, mostly at public halls in the Tokyo metro area. We have already been coached by great barbershop talents like Roger Ross, David Wright -- hopefully with more to come!

Chorus directors speak English, as do most members to some extent, but rehearsals are conducted primarily in Japanese. Music-related terms are fairly easy to grasp, so we hope you won't find this a big issue. If you should have any questions please feel free to ask any singing fellows.

Everyone in Harmony
We do not have strong restrictions about membership, e.g. age, gender, past experience etc. Creating music together is so much fun, and we welcome anyone who wants to take part!

Sing with us!
Ready to harmonize? Come give barbershop a try and sing with us at our next rehearsal, free of charge. We are looking forward to meeting you!