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What we’re about

We believe the world would be an altogether different place if we all did work that actually mattered to us. This way of life is more possible than you think, especially when you surround yourself with people already doing it. We want to welcome you to that new world – to that community finding and doing work they love. Come along join us building that culture and that community, share your wildest dreams, get fired up and commited to make it take place and dent the world

Live Your Legend is a community evolving around the site/blog build by the now late Scott Dinsmore - I recommend you go there for a huge load of free tools and input for working on clarity, vision, connecting and building momentum by showing up! overcoming fears, finding focus and getting s**t done.

We hang around on Facebook @ - please join the discussion


Live Your Legend er en kreation af den nu alt for tidligt afdøde Scott Dinsmore. Det handler om at se sit liv og ikke mindst sit arbejdsliv som noget, vi selv kan skabe, så det passer os, og giver os glæde og/eller mening.

Det handler om, at give vores livssituation og den tid vi bruger en grundig overvejelse. At starte bevægelsen mod et mål, som du tænker ville være muligt for nogle at opnå, men umuligt for dig, indtil du pludselig er der, hvor du står midt i det, og ved hvad du skal gøre for at lykkes. LYL er for dem der ikke vil følge den slagne vej, men selv skære sig en vej igennem junglen.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together". Derfor LYL Local Copenhagen.