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What we’re about

Improv was a huge part of me getting over my anxiety. Now I'm taking my years of learning about self-help and anxiety, and putting it together with my years of training and teaching improv, to create classes designed to help people with their anxiety in a fun and playful way. Wow that was a long sentence. 

In this Meetup group, I’ll try my best to find fun ways to introduce you to improv. Right now there's a show, workshops, drop-in classes, full classes, talks, and any events that come up based around play.

Improv is all about group play, meeting new people (who are here for a shared reason), getting comfortable with each other, and building trust and support in an environment where we can grow even more. 

From my experience, just knowing that everyone is here for the same reason, builds a tremendous sense of community and support (without judgement). And knowing that someone overcame anxiety, opens the door to the possibility that you’re not “stuck this way” for life.

Welcome, and thanks for being part of the group. 

Looking forward to us playing together. 

If you want to know any more about me, the blog, or improv classes designed to help with anxiety, check out my site:

Upcoming events (4+)

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