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What we’re about

There is a shift in consciousness that is being experienced by many at this time: a shift from focusing on always wanting to obtain more to an approach to life which is based on compassion, peace and love.

Many people are experiencing this shift in isolation, sometimes finding aspects of their life challenging as they cannot continue to function in life the way they used to. The life that they witnessed looks crazy and it hurts - like the blinkers have come off!

A deep calling for a new way of life is sought: a new kind of normal.

This meetup group has been created to assist with this shift — enabling people to recognise the authentic self and the true creative power within.

This group will assist you to explore:

• How to use universal support and guidance via the universal law of attraction, the law of cause and effect, and the law of free will

• Moving towards living in oneness with all that is

• Making peace with now, this moment

• How to connect within and tap into your own soul’s infinite and eternal wisdom

• How to create from your own creative source

• Understanding who you are - the authentic you

• How to trust your own intuitive voice within

This group is non-denominational and will cover a variety of concepts from many different cultures and religions.