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New York Learn to Achieve Financial Freedom in 2023

New York, NY

New York Learn to Achieve Financial Freedom in 2023
Hello & Congratulations on joining this group!! This group has been set up specifically for: "9-to-5 Escapers": People who are tired of the Corporate Grind and yearn for the Freedom and Flexibility of running their own online business and living life of ‘their’ terms. "Second Income Seekers": Are you currently employed but desire an additional source of income? Learn to leverage your skills and passions through a digital business? "Passion Pursuers": Do you have a strong desire to turn your hobbies, interests, or expertise into a profitable online business? "Escape the Pay check to Pay check Cycle": Are you trapped in the cycle of living pay check to pay check and want to break free by creating an online business that provides financial stability and the opportunity to build long-term wealth? "Career Reinventors": Are you stuck in a particular career or way of life and do you want to explore new avenues by leveraging the digital world and creating your own online business? "Financial Freedom Seekers": Are you frustrated with your (present) earning potential and do you aspire to create a successful online business that provides you with financial independence? "Passive Income Dreamers": Do you have a desire to generate passive income streams through digital products, courses, or membership sites while maintaining your current job? Do you want to ‘Learn’ what they didn’t teach you at School about money, and start changing your finances for the better in 2023? Do you want to learn about Saving and Investing? Do you want to overcome the psychological barriers that stand in the way of greater material, spiritual, and emotional wealth? Do you want to live a life with more purpose and to bring the world to a higher level of standard through education, courses, mentorship and accountability? Then this group is for you!! In the coming weeks and months, there will be some 'unmissable' opportunities being offered to you, so look forward to this journey, and taking the first steps to achieving a life lived on 'your' terms! Welcome on board.
4 iscritti · Pubblico

Successwork Meditation & Personal Development

New York, NY

Successwork Meditation & Personal Development


[color=green][b]Meditation[/b], [b]self improvement[/b], [b]stress management[/b] and[b] Self-development!![/b] [/color]

This Meetup group serves a [b]two-fold purpose[/b]: to explore and practice a variety of meditation and stress-relief techniques, including those from my book "Everybody's Meditation Book," and also to offer great personal development topics from my experience as an Ericksonian hypnotist and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Master Practitioner.  

Each Meetup will present practical and useful techniques that [b]you'll be able to practice and use right away[/b]. Techniques that will help you find greater focus, handle stress more effortlessly, achieve your goals more easily, and just feel great and inspired whenever you want to. The meditation techniques are not associated to any particular school, style or philosophy. They work brilliantly by themselves, and also compliment your other meditation practices. 

I've created this group to share material and practices from my new, soon to be released book "Everybody's Meditation Book," as well as to share personal growth workshops based on what I've learned and what I practice with clients as a personal coach, Ericksonian Hypnotist and NLP master practitioner. If you are interested in achieving more with your life, learning great ways to lead a stress-resistiant life, and squeezing more pleasure and meaning from every day, consider signing on to this group!

Read about the book:
Read about self-development:
To order your own copy:

170 iscritti · Pubblico

Personal Data NYC (PDNYC)

New York, NY

Personal Data NYC (PDNYC)

Personal Data NYC (PDNYC) is the largest Meetup on the east coast focused on the personal data revolution. Founded in February 2013, we have 800+ members who meet monthly to discuss the implications (positive and negative) of a world in which personal data has gone digital . Meetings typically include product demonstrations, lively panel discussions, and networking over food, beer, and wine.  The vibe is casual, but attendees are well-informed, passionate, and highly engaged.  Our members are a diverse cross section of professionals from big, medium and small business, media conglomerates, advertising agencies, advertisers, data management firms, start-ups, venture capital firms, privacy advocacy groups, research organizations, law firms, academia, government, and the press. 

Past topics have included business opportunities in the new and burgeoning personal information digital culture, regulatory and legislative initiatives (e.g., CISPA, COPPA, Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights), current events (e.g., the Snowden/NSA revelations, the machinations around the Do Not Track standard), and broader conversations about the legal constructs of personal data and how to value personal data.

We recognize that the Personal Information Economy is the emerging data and commerce standard.  A wise observer noted, "Personal Data is the new oil."  PDNYC is here to discover and share opportunities and information about this exciting, growing area.

901 iscritti · Pubblico

Personality Conversations: Meet Your Types (MBTI)

New York, NY

Personality Conversations: Meet Your Types (MBTI)

You are cordially invited to join us in conversations and meet similar people using Myers Briggs Personality test as a tool. (MBTI is by far the most popular personality test--a free test that takes only 15 minutes to take, and gives you valuable insights into yourself.) Learn from others through conversations in an informal friendly setting. The format is fairly informal. We will divide into a few groups for the conversations, move between groups and enjoy interacting with the many people present. People will be wearing tags identifying their personality types to spur conversations. 

We meet on Every Saturday at 3:45pm at Sony Atrium at 550 Madison Avenue at 55th street. We have already had immense success with these Meetups attracting 30+ participants from various Meetup groups for each Meetup. (I also organize The 103 Great Ideas Conversations at 2pm Every Saturday at the same venue, just before this Meetup. See:

We human beings are complex beings--this Meetup is designed to enable participants to explore their own personality through interactions with similar and (and sometimes dissimilar) types, and to thereby learn a little about the nature of personality itself. At each Meetup you will have multiple conversations in different groups, and the format allows participants to interact deeply and learn in their own way regardless of their level of familiarity with personality types.

Meet interesting personalities, Explore your own, and Learn through Meaningful Conversations with many people at each Meetup.

Join our Meetup and Join the Conversations Now! 


40-60 Personality Enthusiasts attended each of the last few Meetups. When asked what is the most interesting thing they learnt during the Meetup, here are some of the answers: 

"It was unusual to have so much in common with some complete strangers, and being able to relate to them so well."........  "It was eerie how my personal Type captured my various attributes.".....   "The short orientation presentation in the beginning was very helpful to a beginner like me."..... "It was great meeting with people of other types, when it was just us extroverts, we were all talking but no one was listening."..... "Learnt from a fellow participant, why someone was terrible at operating in a certain role in the company, but so good in another role--based on their personality type."........  "Very impressed how knowledgeable some of the people were about personality types."...........  "The Meetup completely revised my understanding about what extroverts are like.".........  "It was wonderful to have exchanges so many different people."..........   "I was blown away by the breadth and range of the personalities I met."..........  "Learnt who does most of the talking and why.".........  "There were so many INJs!".........  "I am scared about people making unwarranted generalizations based just on types."..........  "The core hardly changes in spite of many changes.".........  "Everybody is valuable regardless of their type."..........  "Learnt to understand types better by interacting with so many examples.".......  "There are so many different ways of being."....... "It was great comparing notes with others of my type."

Come join the fun, meet interesting people and learn about personality types--don't miss the next Meetup!

1426 iscritti · Pubblico