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What we’re about

What is a health coach?

Staying committed to health and wellness isn’t always easy. Sometimes you just need a little nudge – someone to help you set goals, inspire you to reach them, and hold you accountable when you just don’t feel like making healthy choices.

Health Coaching is a growing new professional meant to fill a gap in health management. Health coaches are part wellness educators, part mentors, and part behavior change specialists. They work with clients to help bridge the gap between understanding healthy lifestyle changes and the motivation to make the changes happen. Coaches work closely with clients to implement healthy changes that meet their unique needs and goals while aligning with the client’s core values.

————————— FREE OFFER —————————————————————-

Is health coaching for you?

You are invited to learn about health coaching, ask questions, and see if health coaching might be a good fit for you. There is no charge. In fact, the first three people who sign up will be offered “free” one-on-one coaching from Coach Donna on a weekly basis for 8-12 weeks. Coach Donna is a Master Certified Health Coach certified by the Dr. Sears Health Coaching Institute. Please join her group let your health journey begin!!

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