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What we’re about

This is for ALL Athletic levels from "out of shape", just beginning , intermediate to advanced.  Just please be sure to make sure to read carefully the description of each event and only RSVP to what degree of athletic ability is required.  It is each individual participants responsibility to ascertain whether or not they are in shape or have the necessary skills for any event they RSVP for.

We are a super friendly interesting diverse group of people!  We frequently combine our events with other local active "meet up" groups to insure a great turnout of fun participants.

We support the motto "You don't need an expensive gym membership to get in shape"

You are not required to be "Super Healthy" or even "in Shape", just a willing to embrace the idea of living "healthier" and taking care of your body.

Most events we do are free!   The volunteers who donate their time to this group, do so out of the kindness of their hearts, and to make a positive contribution back to society.  We want to help Nourish your Fitness-Mind-Body-Wellness Connection without having to spend a ton of money on weight loss gimmicks, diets that don't work, and workouts you don't enjoy. We want you to enjoy and fall in love with a healthy lifestyle with the support of like minded individuals.

We try to be as welcoming as possible to fun positive people! We love meeting new active or people learning to be active. We so grateful to have such an amazing group of fellow "fitness" friends to hike and work out with.

You need not be an athlete... just be willing to have fun with a group and bring your amazing positive energy!*

We try  Offer: 4-10 different outdoor/indoor/seminar fitness/ social/ personal self improvement/ cooking/nutrition events per month. All events are geared towards improving ones social, emotional and physical health.

What you get: Hang out with cool people, while getting in shape, feeling great, and having fun <br> <br> Walk/run/hike/blade/Yoga. Experience the Power of GROUP MOTIVATION! Challenge yourself or just get out at SF/Peninsula parks, places and landmarks. Healthy Cooking Classes as well!


Healthy /Nutritions classes by individual approval, Local Hiking events (most popular), Sat/Sun 3 fitness challenge, Chrissy Field over GG bridge walks, AM bootcamps, Yoga bootcamps at the Ferry BLD in SF , local 5k marathons, inline skating, hikes, early evening walks in SAN MATEO co., Hillsborough morning and evening walks, Adventure Race competition, "Muddy Buddy".... and more!

Events are attended at your own risk.

RSVPing to any event on here is acknowledging your healthy enough to participate and assuming ALL responsibility for your own safety and health. We assume absolutely NO responsibility for loss, injury or incidents incurred at any event or meet posted on this site.

RSVP policy: We have a group of long time friends and die hards so we don't have too many flakes, at the same time we don't go out of my way to keep attendance!

*Please carefully check each event description you choose to RSVP for, to see that you will meet that particular event's fitness or health demands. If you have a question about your fitness requirements, please contact the organizer of that particular event.