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What we’re about

If you are excited by science - but not necessarily a science professional - and you live in the Atlanta area, then the Atlanta Science Tavern is the meetup for you.

Our program is centered on a fourth Saturday of the month meeting at a tavern or brewery, which features a speaker - typically a scientist from a nearby university or research center - who presents his or her work to a smart general audience of science enthusiasts. We also host occasional presentations as part of our ongoing Young Researchers Series, which features talks by graduate students and postdocs.

In addition, we organize social outings and field trips that provide opportunities for our members to experience science as it expresses itself in the community at large. Public lectures at local universities, most prominently the Georgia Tech College of Sciences, are a mainstay of our meetup calendar.

See you at the Tavern!


- The Science for Georgia team


  • Unapproved soliciting of any kind is not allowed at our events.
  • We expect adherence to all health & safety guidelines of venues and authorities.