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What we’re about

Sammy's has transitioned into Toasted. And MEETUP no longer lets me contact you so please (unless we are already connected by text), text your name and email to: 619-851-0808

This meetup is strictly for people who enjoy the game of chess, bridge and backgammon. We provide limited chess boards so please bring yours if you have one.

We ask that you bring a crisp $20 bill, as your donation when you join, to keep this group going. It covers you the entire year. Every January, we again collect $20 which covers you for the entire next year.

We have people who have never played before, people who haven't played since High School, good players and expert players. Since this is a very social group, we all help each other.

For Chess: I have been known to say, and others have said to me: "Are you sure you want to make that move"? That will not happen more than once per game for sure! But members do review moves made after the game ends, to show you what you could have done.

With Bridge, new players come in and we show our hands for one or two rounds. We have experts explaining how to play.

And with backgammon... well that's the easiest of our games for sure! We explain the game or just play.

We also play Sequence and other games. It's just a night off ... a staycation where we come to eat together, laugh together and play together.

We are a very social group, having great times at A Great San Diego Chess Meetup. All different levels of players including a few families with kids.

Looking forward to playing you,
Chef Marian🥂