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Are you in
the 92 percent?

Our mainframe modernisation survey shows that 92 percent of organisations want to reduce their dependency on the mainframe. What they look for is a solution, not just software or consultancy.

Our uniqueness lies in our holistic approach. We help you align IT and business priorities, we drive the implementation forward, and we transform your legacy application landscape into a modern environment.

With your legacy applications running on open-source platforms, you gain the flexibility to test more and earlier in the application cycle. You will go to market more quickly, reap IT investment benefits sooner and be more agile.

Let's do it together.

Analyse the application environment and get ready for action.

First, we gain a robust understanding of how your legacy application environment contributes to achieving business goals. Then we dig deeper and, in the context of your target architecture, analyse each application and the ISV landscape.

Together with your team, we run a detailed study of your legacy applications. This allows us to prioritise the applications into successive migration waves, each of which brings you closer to your target architecture.

Set forth the strategy and articulate a plan.

We lay out the modernisation strategy best suited for each application, after assessing the advantages and limitations of all options available.

Together with your team, we delineate the ISV strategy, which dictates how and what ISV solutions ought to be consolidated or replaced according to business needs.

We help you build the business case with an evidence-based comparison between the benefits of moving to the cloud, using other environments, or staying where you are.

Execute, consolidate, and modernise.

We assemble a team of experts that works with you to get things done. In close coordination with your teams, we will cover everything necessary for a successful implementation.

Our work will take your legacy applications into the innovation platform of your choice. And, we team up with your partners to coordinate the modernisation of your applications as dictated by your business needs.

As you leave your mainframe behind, you’ll regain control over your legacy applications and achieve flexibility like never before.

Our capabilities.

From initial planning through to implementation, our experts guide you end-to-end until you reach your modernisation outcomes.

Technology Consulting

  • Evidence-based assessment of options
  • Application and architecture analysis
  • Application modernisation strategy
  • ISV consolidation strategy
  • Value analysis & Business case
  • Transformation plan

ThePlus Addons

We help you define a modernisation strategy that fits your unique needs and secures business continuity.

Transformation Services

  • Project planning and management
  • Incremental, step-by-step implementation
  • Unique technology set
  • Change management
  • Upskilling & Reskilling
  • Testing
  • Go-live

ThePlus Addons

We line up with you to drive the modernisation forward with your teams, independent software vendors and technology partners.

Value unlocked

You take back control of your legacy applications, preserving what must be preserved and keeping interoperability as you move step by step closer to your target architecture.

ThePlus Addons

Your modernisation investment leads to a reduction of major IT costs. Faster testing and development cycles make your business more agile and shorten the time to market.

ThePlus Addons

We help you modernise your applications in your preferred platform of innovation. Together with your partners, we’ll take this major effort off your shoulders.

The time is now.

What organisations look for

End-to-end advice and guidance

Our tried and tested methodology looks at your modernisation journey in light of your business goals, financial priorities, and talent and change management needs.

As we move into execution mode, we help you identify the technical obstacles and implementation challenges that cause many projects to either stumble or change direction while in flight. This gives your project a greater chance of being delivered on time and on budget..

The time is now.

What organisations look for

Complementary skills and expertise

Successful modernisation projects share one crucial factor—a strategic alignment between the scope of the project and the skill set available.

We methodically assemble a team of experts for your project that complement your in-house skills and expertise. You will be able to document, preserve and augment the know-how critical for managing and maintaining your legacy applications throughout the modernisation journey.

Make investments in applications more effective

We avoid any prescribed approach to modernisation. Rather, our solutions follow an evidence-based analysis of the value that modernising your legacy applications generates for your business.

This analysis informs the incremental modernisation roadmap, which prioritises the applications that are most relevant to your business, ensuring interoperability and getting you closer step by step to your desired outcomes.

Meet your clients’ expectations faster

The business logic of your legacy assets is unique. Therefore, our work preserves what must be preserved so you take back control of your applications. There is no need for a ‘big bang,’ project.

With your legacy applications running in the cloud or the innovation platform of your choice, you will be able to test more and earlier, accelerate time-to-market and realise the benefits of your investment sooner.

It's time to set your IT free.

How well aligned is your modernisation strategy with your business goals? Contact our team for a free consultation.