How Wildfire Transforms Our Bushland and Our Businesses

How Wildfire Transforms Our Bushland and Our Businesses

When a wildfire sweeps through a forest, it burns away the old and allows for new growth, new beginnings. While it can be frightening and painful during the fire, our forests are resilient. The fire transforms and what emerges is stronger.

To bring new possibilities to your business, sometimes we need to sweep through, burning away the old mindsets and ways of doing things that might be holding you back. Not destroying everything you’ve created, but breathing new life into your businesses. Planting the seeds for new growth.

After a lot of soul-searching last year, I realised that my old brand did not truly represent who I am or what my business is about. While it’s wonderful to have that sense of equilibrium, it may also breed complacency. Staying in our comfort zone when there are so many possibilities out there.

The old brand was too quiet, too settled. Not compelling enough.

I’m passionate and fiery and this translates to my new brand - Wildfire Business Consulting.

My purpose is to help you tap into your unique brand of magic – the wisdom you’ve accumulated over years of helping others. Because what you do is valuable. Together, we turn your wisdom into premium products that create spectacular value for your clients and get you paid what you’re worth. Reaching more people, impacting more lives and creating more value.

So that you feel liberated and financially secure, with a deep sense of fulfilment from transforming the lives of more people than you ever dreamed of.

Di Krome is a Business Growth Strategist. I work with wellness service providers who want more time, more money and more freedom. I help you move beyond the time-for-money business model and turn your wisdom into wealth.

Lauren Clemett

Leadership Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Personal Branding Specialist & Best Selling Author | Getting Your Leaders Back On Track!


Love your brand story Dianne Krome. Perhaps add in some dot points at the end of the story (before your core message) with the heading So you can.... What does Wildfire enable business owners to do/feel/transform???

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