Consider Reddit for Insights and Conversations

Consider Reddit for Insights and Conversations

I see references to Reddit more and more often and this is a place that you should consider for your digital presence. Reddit is somewhat of a message board/social platform hybrid. Plenty of conversations are happening there, and probably some that you would like to be part of.

The power of Reddit lies in its ability to connect your business front and center with customers and entirely new audiences, in a personal and responsive way. With 80 million+ unique visitors a day there is little to no possibility you won’t find people you want to develop connections with on Reddit.

Reddit’s Organization

Reddit has threads and subthreads (subreddits) for just about any topic. Most people are highly engaged and knowledgeable about the threads where they participate.

Once you find the right threads, you can get an incredible amount of insight. You can get a deeper understanding of the people you want to reach and engage. You can research questions or product ideas.

Start by lurking and listening. Before you contribute in any way, you want to be sure you understand the platform and users well enough to do it the right way.

User Control

Reddit is a user-moderated platform with upvotes and downvotes that determine where a user’s content/replies is placed in a thread. For example, users can upvote a comment that they see as relevant, in order for it to be the most readily viewed part of a thread. This is a good way to determine the most crucial, highest interest topics.

Chatty Communities

You can get an incredible amount of highly intelligent and helpful feedback when you find the thread or subreddit that addresses your questions. Your questions will generally receive quick and knowledgeable feedback from people from many different backgrounds.


Be sure to converse and engage, not sell. Redditors do not like sales pitches. They want good information presented and the opportunity to share ideas and opinions.

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