Goodbye Facebook Pages, Hello Reddit!

Goodbye Facebook Pages, Hello Reddit!

Facebook Page views are drying up and a recently announced Facebook News Feed algorithm change all but guarantees this traffic channel will evaporate for brand accounts. But as one door closes, another opens.

It’s Time to Take a Closer Look at Reddit

I have been on Reddit since 2006 and the most common complaints I hear from many companies and individuals is that Reddit is too hard to participate in, looks too simple, or isn’t friendly to brands.

Reddit isn’t harder, it’s more real.

If you cannot succeed on Reddit in connecting, discussing, or getting exposure, it’s because you aren’t really making an effort to connect with Redditors.

Companies, celebrities, or individuals that are successful on Reddit follow the same principles you need to succeed in any social gathering.

Approach Reddit as a place to connect with like-minded individuals.

Don’t blast out self-serving messages and hope for some benefit.

While Facebook Pages are continuing to become less visible, Reddit continues to grow and evolve.

Reddit has released a number of exciting new features in the last few months that make it even more enticing for individuals and brands to participate in their communities, such as:

  • Posting to your own profile.
  • One-to-one chat features.
  • The ability for all subreddits to get to the front page and become popular.
  • The follow functionality.
  • A user-friendly redesign.
  • The continued growth of the community.

Here are some screenshots of the new design, click to view larger:

New Design with Classic View

New Design with Card View

New Design for Subreddits

And here are some recent stats that Reddit was kind enough to provide us:

Ignoring Reddit for the last five years wasn’t the smartest choice, but continuing to ignore it in the future is just insanity.

Where Are Facebook Pages Going?

Last year, 94 percent of marketers reported they’re using Facebook to market their business.

Continuing reading this article on Search Engine Journal here:

Esther S.

Echt Esther, Presentator/ Programmamaker bij Radio Aalsmeer


Dit is een uitdaging! Een nieuwe social leren kennen🙈

Nika Wolf

Marketing Director - Sports Manager - Security Consultant - Shooting Sports Coach - Multi-medalist


Guess I will give reddit another chance :)


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