Louise Upchurch’s Post

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Community Leader | Proven Track Record Building Safe, Positive & Vibrant Communities | Advocate for Community-Focused Business |

Ever felt like you're on the outside looking in, wishing you could be part of a community but too daunted to take that first step? If you're nodding your head, this post is for you. 👇 As a Community Manager, I've witnessed firsthand the immense power of human connection and how it transcends our job titles, accolades, and perceived influence. Beneath these surface-level identifiers, we're all humans first. Insecurity can sneak in, forming a barrier to this genuine connection. We've all had moments of self-doubt, comparing ourselves to others, thinking they've got more experience, they're more successful, they fit in more than we do. This mindset skews our perception, causing us to view others not as fellow humans but through the lens of their achievements. This shift can lead us to feel isolated and disconnected. But here's the reality: creating a safe and inclusive community means acknowledging that we're all human, we're all on unique journeys, and we all muck up at times. Regardless of background or expertise, everyone started somewhere. Everyone has asked those 'daft' questions, only to find someone kind enough to guide them. Feeling daunted when stepping into a new community is completely normal. The secret, however, lies in building connections on a human level, not merely as professionals, but as individuals on personal journeys. So, how do we cultivate this vital human connection within our communities? We can: 🗣️ Keep conversations open and supportive. ❓ Encourage questions and the sharing of experiences. 🎉 Celebrate progress, no matter how small. 🤝 Most importantly, constantly remind each other of our shared humanity. Remember, we're all on this journey together. Let's lift each other up and transform our communities into safe spaces for growth, learning, and connection. Jump in, the water's fine! #CommunityManagement #HumanConnection #OvercomingInsecurity #CommunityEngagement #Agencynomics

  • "Building inclusive communities isn't about our titles or accomplishments, it's about connecting as humans first, professionals second." - Louise Upchurch, Head of Community
Mark Probert

Helping independent agency owners scale efficiently with a free online community, consultancy, M&A advisory and board level support.


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