John Graham’s Post

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Content Focused Digital Strategist

Today, I'm finding myself ruminating on the amazing people I've been lucky enough to work with over the course of my career, and how much I value those connections. One of the my favorite things I get to do at Contentful is connect with awesome people across the company on a regular basis. Every two weeks, I'm automatically paired up with another employee to have a quick chat and get to know the other person a bit, and I love how unique each and every conversation is. During any given conversation, the topic of discussion can range from simple hobbies and interests to unseen workings of the other departments in the company to deeply philosophical discussions on the nature of humanity. As someone who's been working remotely for almost a decade now, these moments of genuine connection are so valuable to creating a feeling of community in a distributed workforce. As a result of these interactions, I've been given opportunities to collaborate with people that I never would have crossed paths with otherwise, and that collaboration has helped me learn and grow in my career in ways I never could have guessed. To all the employers out there - if you're not actively creating opportunities for your employees to connect with one another in a non-formal setting, you're missing one of the best opportunities for your employees to grow their own skills while simultaneously improving business outcomes and employee well being.

Kirsty Ryan, MBA

Brand, copy, and design freelancer available for hire


YES! This sounds like a great initiative. So many interesting people out there who you may not have the chance to chat to otherwise. I'm freelance so the opportunities to bump into colleagues in the hallway or on Slack don't come as frequently, so I've set up a Calendly just for 30 minute coffee chats ( Have had some wonderful calls so far!!

Tim Corden

Marketing Leader | Digital Strategist | Building high-performing, inclusive & diverse teams


I'm with you on this John, "Donut" was the catalyst for meeting yourself and Amie Smith and that's led to some great things! It's an effective, fun and low-effort way to connect the distributed workforce leading to unexpected, creative and impactful learning, initiatives and impact

Heidi Joy Tretheway

Fractional CMO | B2B SaaS & Professional Services


Well said - and echoing Tim Corden I'm a big fan of the Donut for casual (but meaningful) connection-building.

Annie Roethel Field

ESG | Social Impact | CSR | Pragmatic Idealist


Thank you for this John Graham. You always practice what your preach and I’m so thankful to get to work with and know you!

David Litvak Bruno

Finding customer-centered technical solutions


Donuts are awesome! So many cool conversations came out of these random matchmakes

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