Google Health’s Post [Video]

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"AI won't replace doctors... but doctors using AI will definitely replace doctors without AI." - Kimberly Breuer, cofounder of Likeminded. Developing new treatments, diagnosing accurately, and personalizing care: these are all the ways startups including Wellx, Anya, and are using AI to improve healthcare. Learn more about the founders changing lives with support from Growth Academy.

Three startups using Google AI to improve healthcare for everyone 👇

Scott Wallace, PhD (Clinical Psychology)

Mental Health and Technology| Mental Health AI and Tech for Mobile Health Applications


That’s a bold and provocative statement. The debate over the role of AI in healthcare and the implications for doctors who do or do not adopt these technologies is multifaceted, touching on issues of competence, patient care, and ethical considerations. In fields like radiology or pathology, AI can process and analyze vast amounts of data for more accurate diagnoses. AI can automate routine tasks allowing doctors to focus more on patient care rather than administrative tasks.AI algorithms can help in tailoring treatments to individual patients based on their unique genetic makeup and lifestyle, And AI can help bridge the gap in healthcare access by providing diagnostic and treatment support in underserved areas, where specialist doctors are scarce. Of note, however, the doctor-patient relationship is foundational to healthcare cannot empathize or understand the nuances of human emotion and social context. Ultimately theintegration of AI into healthcare is not a question of if but how. Join my group Artificial intelligence in Mental Health for more like this

Tom Garz, Author - Writing to Help Myself and Others

Writing to Help Myself and Others - Firebird Book Award Winner.


Google Health - Need any help? know me by to work...

Terry Cornick

Creating collisions for the good of health.


Would love to see this tech at Digital Health Festival 🤖

Crystal C.

Data Reporting Consultant @ Kaiser Permanente | Certified SAFe® 5 Product Owner with Management Experience


Love this.

Lisa Williams-Scott

Founder and Consultant | When Everybody Clicks


This ...

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