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There’s no place for bullying and harassment on Discord. Discord is a place for people to talk and hang out together. We have comprehensive policies to support this mission, and crafting them sometimes requires navigating gray areas—for example, where does friendly teasing end and harmful bullying begin? That’s why we invest in research and consult with experts worldwide, so we can better define bullying and harassment in ways that consider intent and other factors. Read how we create actionable rules that protect and educate users when possible. #onlinesafety #onlinecommunities #bullyingprevention

Our Approach to Defining and Addressing Online Trolling | Discord

Our Approach to Defining and Addressing Online Trolling | Discord

Daisy Campbell

Ultimate Pokémon Master,Dragon type pokemon gym leader, Velociraptor trainer , Ravenclaw , The Galadriel of any team setup.

2 Monate

I love the direction this is going to control or get a better handle on trolling. Emotions get heated in the mists of a intense game and trolling does happen often . Via in game or via server chat. It really comes down to understanding context of what is going on and why something was said. So alot of grey area here. But having guideline and talking to the parties affected . You have a better way to manage it and help reduce the likelihood of it happening again

Connie Westall 🌼

Executive Assistant | Social Media Manager Assistant | Community Manager | Mom ♥️ • Powering people to be their best

2 Monate

There’s no such thing as bullying as a joke, cause they are your “friend” sometimes people cover it up because they don’t want people to think they are mean or, seem like a bully but in reality they are. I love that discord is bringing this forward and talking about it

Jan Jurík

IT Consultant - Atlassian expert

2 Monate

This research will be very complex because different languages have different understandings of different sentences/phrases and words

Lewis James Freeman

Gaming | Retail Marketing Communications | Consumer @ EE (Part of the BT Group) | Brand & Gaming

2 Monate

This definitely helps with the 'can be' toxic online side of gaming and will definitely contribute in building that more friendly and welcoming community we need online for our game time! 👏

Remington Scholz

Freelance Video Game Designer, Artist, Graphic Design.

2 Monate

Love the stance that Discord has against Trolling and Bullying. ❤️

Tia LaRue

🎮 Twitch streamer | 👐 Women in Gaming | Community Builder 🔗

2 Monate

Love this 👏🏻👏🏻

Aaron Linder MSc

I put MSc in my title because everyone else did it also, "Yes, me too Sir!"

2 Monate

Discord BDO console is full of toxic trolls

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