From the course: Tips for More Inclusive Language

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Considering socioeconomic difference when communicating

Considering socioeconomic difference when communicating

From the course: Tips for More Inclusive Language

Considering socioeconomic difference when communicating

- We can also communicate more inclusively by considering the language we use around economic status, so that we're sure to establish a base level of dignity, respect, and inclusivity regardless of our socioeconomic backgrounds. Instead of terms like poor or disadvantaged, opt for neutral language, like people experiencing financial challenges or economic disparities. Always separate the experience from the person. For example, say people experiencing homelessness instead of the homeless. Why? Because a person's circumstance is just one aspect to them, not their entire identity. In everyday interactions, be mindful of how discussions may inadvertently exclude others. For instance, when discussing office attire, or home lives, or travel plans, avoid making assumptions about people's financial situations. Be sensitive to varying experiences. By using language that is mindful of socioeconomic differences, we can communicate with more empathy and understanding.
