From the course: Tips for More Inclusive Language

Adapting expertly as language evolves

From the course: Tips for More Inclusive Language

Adapting expertly as language evolves

- Hey, Cory Wade here. Did you know the Oxford English Dictionary adds around 1,000 new words every year? Let's talk through some tips on how to utilize new and emerging inclusive language at work so that when new verbiage happens, we don't get tripped up. First, stay curious. The next time you hear a new term, use that as an opportunity to learn. Look at new words or verbiage with an inquisitive spirit. Two, practice using new words by integrating them into your everyday speech and writing. If you're a you guys kind of person, start practicing using everybody, folks, or even you all. Third, seek feedback. It's totally okay to ask your peers or mentors questions or ask them to steer you in the right direction. Fourth, if you notice yourself feeling resistant to new terminology, take some time to consider that feeling. What about practicing new language is bringing this feeling up for me? Then get curious and ask yourself about how making this change, continuing to learn, and evolving your speech can have a positive impact on those around you. Bottom line, embrace change with a willingness to learn, and you'll be golden.
