From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

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How to develop a social strategy for Web3

How to develop a social strategy for Web3

From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

How to develop a social strategy for Web3

(bright techno music) - [Lecturer] It's fair to say that Web3 isn't fully defined at the moment. That's because this next iteration of the Internet is happening as we speak. For the time being, Web3 is all about building new connections between people, places, and things online, emphasizing decentralization, and individuals having control of their data. One way Web3 will come to life is through metaverse experiences, like augmented reality or virtual reality, giving consumers the opportunity to engage more substantially online. Despite the many unknowns of how this will continue to evolve, social media and the way businesses use these platforms is certainly going to shift as Web3 matures. To prepare for the future state of the Internet, start considering how your social media strategy will change to embrace decentralization, enable individual ownership, and better support the ambitions of creators. First off…
