From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

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How to get the most from Power BI dashboards

How to get the most from Power BI dashboards

From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners (2022)

How to get the most from Power BI dashboards

- [Joshua] Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this course. What you have just learned is only a brief introduction to how using Power BI can unlock the value of your data and tell an insightful story. New Power BI features are being released all the time, so I strongly suggest that you keep abreast of what's changing in this space. So head on over to to check out all the latest news. And to galvanize your learnings from this course, I strongly suggest that you try creating your own Power BI dashboard from scratch, using a fresh data source. Why not see what you can find on the open data network? Now, there's no right or wrong way to create a dashboard, but I do want to leave you with this. Keep your dashboards clean, simple, and uncluttered. Remember, you're not trying to tell your stakeholders everything and anything, just the key insights. Finally, I encourage you to connect with me on…
