From the course: Phone-Based Customer Service

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How to express empathy

How to express empathy

- One of the most important steps you can take when solving a problem is to express empathy. Empathy can be a tricky skill to master, but this video will give you a few ideas to try. Let's start with why empathy is important. Empathy is defined as the identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. In customer service, expressing empathy is the ability to demonstrate to your customer that you understand what they're thinking or feeling. Psychologists call this validation. The idea is to make the customer feel okay for feeling the way they do. Empathizing with an upset customer over the phone is critical. A study conducted by Mattersight learned that 75% of customers have felt frustrated after talking to a customer service rep on the phone, even if their problem was solved. Empathy comes from having a similar or relatable experience. This isn't always easy, especially if…
