From the course: Learning SQL Programming

CoderPad tour

- [Instructor] This course includes automated code challenges that appear when you click on the challenge links in the courses table of contents. Each challenge includes instructions and a couple of code editors you can use to create and test your own solution to the challenge. These challenges are hosted by CoderPad, and they appear in the same area of the course page where you watch the courses videos. We recommend using a desktop browser for the best experience with code challenges, but you can use the LinkedIn Learning mobile app if you prefer. The code challenge has three areas, instructions in the top left, a console for output in the bottom left, and the code editor for your answer on the right. You can use these drag handles to allocate space as you like. To get even more horizontal space for the code editor, you can collapse the courses table of contents on the left. Each challenge has instructions that include a description of the challenge and the challenge's desired result. Create your answer in the code editor. When you click Test my code, you'll see a message indicating whether your code returned a correct result, and a text-based version of the return data. If your answer doesn't create a correct result, you'll see a message telling you that the code is incorrect and showing the data that was returned. If your answer doesn't create a correct result, you'll see a message telling you that the code is incorrect and showing the data that was returned. If any messages are too long to fit in the console, you can scroll sideways to see all of the text. When you finish each code challenge, return to the course's table of contents and click the next video to see my solution.
