From the course: Learning Hadoop

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Review Hadoop cluster components

Review Hadoop cluster components - Hadoop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Hadoop

Review Hadoop cluster components

- [Instructor] So to review, when you set up your Hadoop cluster, you have three options. I really don't use single node, you could. It's the cheapest way to set it up, and it's the simplest in terms of it's set up on a local file system. It does not use HDFS. Everything is a single JVM. So if you were going to set it up locally, that probably would be the simplest way to do it. Download the Hadoop binaries and configure them. Pseudo distributed, uses HDFS, it has a single node and the JVM daemons run the processes. Fully distributed, use HDFS, triple replicated data by default, the daemons run processes and it's fully configurable. And again, just to put a visual to this, this is a logical representation of a fully distributed implementation. And you can see that HDFS is one section by color and MapReduce is another section and this is a default configuration. So how does this look in comparison to what we have set up…
