From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: The Annex A Controls

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Logging and monitoring (Controls 8.15–8.17)

Logging and monitoring (Controls 8.15–8.17)

- [Instructor] One of the best ways to start investigating a security incident is by looking at system event logs. But how do you know that your organization is correctly logging the right events? The answer lies in Controls 8.15 through 8.17 of ISO 27001 which cover logging and monitoring requirements. Control 8.15 is simply called Logging, and it requires your organization to produce, store, protect, and analyze logs that record activities, exceptions, faults, and other relevant events. Because logs are so important when investigating security incidents, you want to make sure they are protected and include the right information. ISO 27002 has many suggestions for what should be included in your event logs, such as user IDs, timestamps of relevant events, user activities like log on, log off, et cetera, system configuration changes, and use of elevated privileges and admin activities. Refer to ISO 27002 for more…
