From the course: Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding

What you should know before watching this course

From the course: Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding

What you should know before watching this course

- Let's go over a few things to help you get the most out of this course. The primary focus is on running corporate onboarding programs. These are companies that typically hire multiple employees at one time, involve multiple departments and new hire training, or train new hires for a wide variety of different roles. The course is intended for human resources and training professionals who oversee corporate onboarding programs, but anyone who supervises multiple new hires can benefit. It's applicable, whether you are building a new corporate onboarding program or revising an existing one. My suggestion is to first watch the course from beginning to end to get a broad overview of the onboarding process. You can then go back and study the specific videos that are most relevant to you. I've included some exercise files to help you apply some of the concepts we'll cover. I'll point out each one as we go along. For now, you may want to start by downloading the learning plan worksheet before watching the next video. This worksheet will help you identify your specific goals for this course.
