From the course: How to Change Careers by Building a Powerful LinkedIn Profile

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Content is king

Content is king

Content is indeed King. So let's make yours reign supreme. Strategic content planning and sharing aren't just for marketers. Your content must shine because good content increases your chances to be found. So curating your content in your experience section gets you where you need to be on LinkedIn. Your experience section should convey a story supporting your headline, photo and about me section. It will also help you optimize and increase the impact of your profile. First, look at your past and current roles and think about all you have accomplished. Next list out all the job duties, responsibilities and achievements from those roles. As you list all the things you've done, you might uncover additional things you did that were outside the scope of your job description. Then, as you assess these tasks, ask yourself, What in these roles aligns with my end goal of being on LinkedIn? For example, if you are a career professional looking to land your first leadership job, make sure your…
