From the course: Effective Serialization with Python

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Use Codespaces for this course

Use Codespaces for this course - Python Tutorial

From the course: Effective Serialization with Python

Use Codespaces for this course

- [Instructor] We have updated the course and refreshed it a little bit. First thing we did was added support for code spaces. So now you can head over to the GitHub repository, click on the green Code button, pick the Code Spaces tab, and click on Create Code Space on Master. Once you get this page, you are ready to go. If during the loading, you get this message about linter, you can safely ignore it. Once the browser is ready, you have everything you need right there in the browser. No need to install anything locally, and you can just follow along. We did a couple of other changes. The first one is that we updated the Python version to the latest of the time of recording. So Python dash version, and we are now on 3.12. I also updated the requirements or the dependencies that we are using to the latest version of each one. And finally, we added the new chapter. So now you can go in from your browser and follow along. Enjoy.
