From the course: Django Essential Training

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Django apps and the concept of modularization

Django apps and the concept of modularization - Django Tutorial

From the course: Django Essential Training

Django apps and the concept of modularization

- [Instructor] Earlier, we talked why apps are a good way to organize our project. Let's take a minute to understand a bit more why this type of modularization is such an important concept. As you've seen, an app is a small library that is contained inside your Django project. We can have as many apps as we want, however, as the project grows, if we don't take care of it, things can start to get messy and things will fly between the apps. That's why we need to understand what we need to do to make good Django apps. Good software projects should be well modularize, and your Django project should be no different. That's why each app should be self-contained, which means that everything you need for that app should live inside it. That's why we created the folder template inside it. The ideal app is one where you can delete the folder and do nothing else, the Django project just continued to work perfectly. So far, we're…
