From the course: CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst+ (CySA+) (CS0-003) Cert Prep: 1 Security Operations

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System processes

System processes

- [Instructor] System processes are the core running software that supports an operating system. While system processes vary from operating system to operating system, they tend to share similar functions. On Windows systems, you can use Task Manager to see what processes are currently running. When you first open up Task Manager, you'll only see the software that you are running on the operating system. We can go ahead and click the More Details button to see information about all of the software running on the system. If we look at the processes active on this system right now, we can see that there are three user applications running: Microsoft Edge, Server Manager and Task Manager. We also have 22 background processes. These are user installed applications that are doing things on the system, even though we aren't actively engaged with them right now. We see things here like anti-malware software, the RDP software…
