From the course: Adaptive Project Leadership

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- Understanding where we are in this wave of the digital revolution is just the beginning. Now you have a foundation in what you need to do so you can adapt and remain successful. As you begin on this path, I recommend you select one item from this course and begin practicing it. Really, practice it in depth. Focus on changing the way you act and react. I recommend focusing on the capabilities described in the adaptive thinking or the agile leadership chapters as great places to start. I recommend you check out the The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. It's an eye-opening journey into the heart of what it takes to be an entrepreneur. These ideas and skills are appropriate whether you're starting your own company or simply reinventing your team. I hope that you've already started practicing your adaptive leadership skills. I know you'll be very successful using these ideas to help you move your career forward. Don't hesitate to share your stories with me on LinkedIn. I'd love to hear about…
