Performance reporting for LinkedIn Audience Network ad placement breakdown

Last updated: 2 months ago

Once you’ve launched a Sponsored Content ad campaign with LinkedIn Audience Network enabled, you can review the performance metrics on your Campaign Manager reporting dashboard. When you filter the breakdown by Placement, you can see each ad’s performance placed:

  • On the LinkedIn Feed.
  • On an Audience Network publisher as a standalone ad within the content.
  • On an Audience Network publisher as an in-stream ad. This option only applies to video ads. 

Here's a tip

For video ads with Audience Network enabled, we recommend using the Placement breakdown.

To view performance by placement for LinkedIn Audience Network ads: 

  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager. 

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown.

  3. Click the Campaign Groups, Campaigns, or Ads tab.

  4. Click the Columns dropdown menu and select Video.

  5. Click the Breakdown dropdown menu and select Placement.

  6. To export your metrics, click the Export button and select Audience network ad performance from the dropdown in the Export CSV Report pop-up window.

  7. Select a column view and timeframe for your report, then click Export

A CSV file with the performance reporting will download to your computer. 

You might also see Uncategorized on your report. For Placement, uncategorized means that the impression's placement is unknown. For example, some modeled metrics might not account for the impression's placement. 

Here's a tip

For in-stream video, Views and View Rate are often a challenge to accurately calculate across the industry. We recommend that you use CPV (Cost Per View) and Completion Rate in Campaign Manager as your key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of your campaign across the video ad placements.

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