Recent changes to top demographics of unique viewers

Last updated: 6 months ago

At LinkedIn, we’re always working to provide valuable analytics to our creators, and have been building more tools for creators. We’re also always working to maintain member anonymity while viewing posts, and recently made changes to our demographics analytics.

In addition to expanding creator analytics, we have made changes to help safeguard anonymity for viewing posts (including articles and videos) on LinkedIn. Recent changes include:

  1. We introduced a small amount of noise to the number of unique viewers in each demographic to help prevent visibility into exact viewer behavior. The demographic percentages that you see in your demographics will be representative of your audience but may not be precise.

  2. We changed the threshold for displaying results in the Top demographics of unique viewers section. The threshold is now based on unique viewers, not impressions or views.

    Note: Impressions or views represent the number of times your post was displayed on screen. Unique viewers represent the number of members your post was displayed to at least once.

  3. We changed the results for each category to be shown as a percentage of unique viewers rather than as a count.

We are always evaluating, and in some cases adjusting, how we show analytics, including privacy protections, such as differential privacy designed to prevent visibility into exact viewer behavior. Because of these protections, numbers may not be precise.

As a result of these changes, your Top demographics of unique viewers may take longer to populate or you may see information for some demographics categories while others remain blank until your post gets more unique viewers. In addition, you will see your results shown as a percentage of unique viewers rather than as a count.

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