Government requests for data

Last updated: 1 week ago
We respect the laws that apply to our business operations, but we put our members first by requiring that such requests follow established legal procedures and by notifying members of requests for their data unless prohibited by statute or court order. We also believe in being transparent about the number and type of requests we receive, and we issue a Transparency Report twice a year.
Why do governments make requests for member data?
Governments make requests for member data for a variety of reasons, including to gather evidence as part of criminal investigations. For example, a U.S. FBI agent may be looking for information and evidence to help locate a fraud suspect. In another instance, a foreign government entity might issue a request for member data to help identify individuals responsible for cyberstalking. These requests come from various countries around the world.
How do these data requests work?
The process for responding to government requests for data depends on the country. In the U.S., there are several types of legal processes used at the federal, state, and local levels; most commonly for search warrants and subpoenas.
For international requests, we check the validity and ask that the request to be properly issued, for example, through a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty or a form of international process known as a Letter Rogatory, except in the case of certain emergencies. You can find out more by reading our Law Enforcement Guidelines.
Why do governments request removal of content?
Different countries balance free speech against the potential impact that can come from speech in various ways. For example, some countries actively enforce laws around hate speech or speech that they view as threatening social stability, while other countries’ laws are more tolerant of these types of speech. Governments will ask us to restrict member-posted content that they believe violates their laws. When we receive a government request to remove content, we carefully review and assess it to understand the reason for the request, the authority of the requestor, and our applicable policies or terms. Based on these reviews, we determine whether and to what extent we should take action.