Data Integration Made Easy

Streamline your encryption and compression workflows with KingswaySoft's feature-rich SSIS Productivity Pack.

Increased Efficiency

Data Encryption and Compression Components
to streamline your ETL workflows.

With the SSIS Encryption and Compression components found within SSIS Productivity Pack, ETL developers can compress or encrypt files within the control flow.

Our Encryption and Compression components make it easy to compress and decompress files and folders as well as encrypt and decrypt files. This way developers can achieve more with less effort.


Encryption & Compression Components

SSIS Compression Task Component
Compression Task
SSIS PGP Encryption Task Component
PGP Encryption Task
SSIS Premium Hash Component
Premium Hash

Data Encryption & Compression
Components are available in our
SSIS Productivity Pack

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Familiar UI

A performant and flexible ETL platform

Our solution is built utilizing Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), allowing your team to take advantage of the technologies and skills they already have. The drag-and-drop user interface makes it easy to set up powerful integrations within a matter of minutes.

More Resources

Download our Data Sheet for
SSIS Productivity Pack

SSIS Productivity Pack Data Sheet