Changes in arrangements for ISBN in Brazil

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is the key identifier for books in the supply chain; an ISBN uniquely identifies a specific book by a specific publisher in a specific format.

The International ISBN Agency wishes to inform publishers, booksellers, libraries and other participants in the book supply chain in Brazil about forthcoming changes with regard to ISBN assignment. Starting 1 March 2020, the International ISBN Agency has appointed Câmara Brasileira do Livro to operate the ISBN service.

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional and its partner, Fundação Miguel de Cervantes, will continue to provide all ISBN services to publishers up to 28 February 2020.

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Fundação Miguel de Cervantes and Câmara Brasileira do Livro are working to ensure that there is no interruption in the ISBN services provided to publishers during the transition period and also that allocation records are accurately transferred.

Up to 28 February 2020, all ISBN queries and applications should be made to:
Agência Brasileira do ISBN
Fundação Miguel de Cervantes
Rua México, 45 – 5º andar – Edifício Lumex
Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CEP 20031-144
Tel: (55 21) 2262 9724
Email: [email protected]

From 1 March 2020, all ISBN queries and applications should be made to:
Câmara Brasileira do Livro
Rua Cristiano Viana, 91
São Paulo – SP
CEP 05411-000
Tel. (55 11) 3069-1300
e-mail: [email protected]
URL: (site under construction)

Nota importante: para ler este comunicado de imprensa em português, clique aqui.

The International ISBN Agency, based in London, UK is the registration authority for ISBN and promotes, coordinates and supervises the world-wide use of the ISBN system.

Câmara Brasileira do Livro, based in São Paulo, was founded in 1946 and brings together publishers, distributors, booksellers around one fundamental cause: building a better educated country through books and reading. CBL currently represents over 400 members throughout Brazil.

Fundação Biblioteca Nacional is the responsible agency for the capture, storage, preservation and diffusion of Brazil’s intellectual production. Its mission is to collect, register, safeguard and give access to the Brazilian intellectual production, ensuring the exchange with national and international institutions as well as the country’s bibliographical and documental preservation.

Fundação Miguel de Cervantes, a private and not for profit organisation, was founded in 2002 in Rio de Janeiro to support the Research and Reading objectives of the Biblioteca Nacional.