What is a backend?

What is a backend?

  • Website creation

A backend is the area of a website or app that’s not accessible to normal users. Any functioning software will need both a backend and a frontend. But what are you able to do in a backend? And what tools are available to help with backend development? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about backends.

What is a backend?
What is a frontend?ellisiaShutterstock

What is a frontend?

  • Website creation

A frontend is the graphic user interface of a website or app. It’s the part of a site that users can see and interact with. While the backend runs on the server, the frontend runs on the client. While the frontend and backend are independent of one another, both are necessary for fully functioning software. A frontend without a backend is like a facade with nothing behind it.

What is a frontend?
Using Composer in IONOS web hosting plans

Using Composer in IONOS web hosting plans

  • Web development

Composer is a dependency management tool that lets you conveniently reference external sources and libraries in PHP projects. With Composer, dependencies are conveniently installed and updated, allowing you to quickly integrate different libraries. and keep them up-to-date. What’s more, you can also use the software in an IONOS web hosting plan. Keep on reading to learn how to install Composer.

Using Composer in IONOS web hosting plans
How to store and process data with PHP variablesMr. KosalShutterstock

How to store and process data with PHP variables

  • Web development

PHP variables are fundamental elements for developing dynamic web applications. They let you process and store data to create interactive and personalized content. In addition, PHP is a weakly typed language, which means that you don’t have to explicitly specify the data type of a variable, as it’s automatically detected. Here’s a closer look at its syntax and application.

How to store and process data with PHP variables
What is a landing page and how to create one that convertsChinnapongShutterstock

What is a landing page and how to create one that converts

  • Website creation

Successful online marketing is based on taking various measures for acquiring customers. One of the most important tools is the landing page. Landing pages direct users from the search results list or from an advertising banner specifically to a commercial offer that can be used immediately. With well-placed interactive elements, good landing pages encourage users to carry out transactions and…

What is a landing page and how to create one that converts
What is an API key?

What is an API key?

  • Web development

To connect one program to another, you need access permission. For this, a unique API key is used which is made up of a string of characters and numbers, which is transmitted to API servers each time it is accessed. This way, only authorized applications and projects get access. Here’s a closer look at how API keys work.

What is an API key?
How to create an OpenWeather API key

How to create an OpenWeather API key

  • Web development

Are you looking to integrate weather data and weather forecasts quickly and easily into your website or app? The online service OpenWeather offers various APIs that let you display weather data in your mobile or web application. But to get access, you need an OpenWeather API key. Here’s everything you need to know about how it works.

How to create an OpenWeather API key
How to use ChatGPT APIWillyam BradberryShutterstock

How to use ChatGPT API

  • Web development

Whether chatbots accessing ChatGPT or to support intelligent artificial language services, the ChatGPT API gets you the most out of ChatGPT’s capabilities. By using OpenAI’s API via ChatGPT API key, you can improve the functionality and user experience of projects like websites or apps. Here’s what you need to know about how the API works.

How to use ChatGPT API
How to use PHP functions to create reusable code blocksESB ProfessionalShutterstock

How to use PHP functions to create reusable code blocks

  • Web development

PHP functions are named blocks of code that execute a specific instruction or a series of them. PHP functions offer code structuring and reusability, which can significantly improve the maintainability and efficiency of PHP applications. In our dedicated article, we explore both internal and user-defined functions, each serving specific tasks. We also explain how you can define your own PHP…

How to use PHP functions to create reusable code blocks
How to use PHP loops to repeat program sequences automaticallylassedesignenShutterstock

How to use PHP loops to repeat program sequences automatically

  • Web development

PHP loops are programmatic tools for automatically repeating tasks. They significantly improve efficiency, especially when dealing with large data sets, as they optimize processes and enhance application performance. In our dedicated article on the topic, you can find out what types of loops there are and how best to use them.

How to use PHP loops to repeat program sequences automatically


IONOS Website Guide: website advice for all

A website isn’t just a website – these days, there are countless ways to create an online presence in a way that matches your expectations. The ‘Websites’ section of the IONOS Digital Guide offers detailed information about creating, managing, and optimizing websites as well as facts and general background information on the World Wide Web. For a closer look, you can also explore one of several subcategories about different topics. Here, we present website advice for everyone, from mere enthusiasts to qualified professionals.

What’s in the IONOS Website Guide?

The ‘Websites’ section is one of six main categories in the IONOS Digital Guide. ‘Websites’ is then broken down into four further subcategories: ‘Website creation, ‘Web design’, ‘Web development’, and ‘Digital law’. While ‘Website creation’ focuses primarily on the technical aspects of internet sites, ‘Web design’ articles look at the optical makeup of content, in particular the use of text, images, and responsive displays through HTML or CSS. ‘Web development’ covers the use of scripting languages, like PHP or JavaScript, as well as specific tools for the development of internet services. But basic information about the standards and trends of website development can also be found here. The subcategory ‘Digital law’ presents online laws and practices, like image usage rights and privacy policies.

Website advice for beginners, advanced users, and professionals

The Website Guide serves as an information portal for small and medium-sized companies, along with developers, web designers, technology lovers, and general internet enthusiasts. Many articles on the IONOS Digital Guide require little background knowledge, though some are also aimed at more experienced users. Beginners can enjoy posts on topics like ‘What exactly is a website?’, ‘The basics for modern web development’, or ‘How are websites accessed?’, while more advanced readers can broaden their knowledge of specific topics with comprehensive articles and tutorials. So whether you are a novice, an advanced user, or a professional: our handy Website Guide has plenty of useful tips and tricks to help you become an expert on the World Wide Web.

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