Products / Platform

InfluxDB 3.0:
Real-Time Analytics Platform

Time series analytics database engineered for developers working with real-time streaming data at any scale

Real-time performance at scale

InfluxDB 3.0 platform is purpose-built for time series analytics at any scale. 3.0 delivers sub-second query responses for recent and live incoming data, making it optimal for any time series use cases that include real-time applications. Learn More.

Cost-optimized storage

With separation of storage and compute layers, InfluxDB 3.0 enables cost efficiency of underlying resources. Data is persisted as Apache Parquet files, a popular columnar data file format known for very high compression on low-cost object stores such as Amazon S3—this helps reduce storage costs by 90% or more. Learn More.

Open data access

InfluxDB 3.0's core architecture is built on open data sharing principles. Data is stored in InfluxDB 3.0 as Parquet files. A simple data catalog abstraction layer built with open data sharing specifications such as Iceberg / Delta Sharing allows direct access to Parquet files by data lake houses and/or data warehouses for analytics, Business Intelligence (BI), and Machine Learning (ML) workloads. This enables users to remove data siloes and plug time series data into their modern data stack without complex and expensive ETL pipelines and solutions. Learn More.

Delivering performance and innovation with open standards

We built InfluxDB 3.0 using the FDAP stack, a group of open source, Apache-backed technologies. This architecture enables InfluxDB to deliver real-time performance at scale, cost-optimized storage, and access to an open data ecosystem:

FDAP-stack FDAP-stack

Looking for the most efficient way to get started?

Whether you’re looking for cost savings or lower management overhead while maintaining high availability, InfluxDB can help.

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Engineered for limitless scale and lower total cost of ownership

Real-time performance


Purpose-built for time series data, InfluxDB unlocks real-time analytics by making data queryable upon ingestion. Whether a single node or a distributed system, InfluxDB delivers optimal performance at any scale.
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45x better write throughput


InfluxDB lets you collect data from all your sources and store them in a single location. Write millions of data points every second with 45x better write throughput compared to previous versions. Compare Ways to Get Started

50% lower total cost of ownership at Teréga


See how Teréga replaced its legacy system with InfluxDB to keep up with quickly growing ingest rates. The company replaced a costly data historian with a cloud-native one built on InfluxDB.

Unlock predictive maintenance


See how ju:niz used InfluxDB to keep up with data needs when their legacy system just couldn’t keep up. The transition to renewable energy led ju:niz Energy to send data from all its edge locations to InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated.


Because we were based on InfluxDB and we had virtually no limit on the data we could ingest, we were able to collect the data more frequently.

Thomas Delquié
CTO, Teréga


InfluxDB runs where you need it

InfluxDB Cloud

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Small workloads, trying InfluxDB

  • Fully-managed service
  • Multi-tenant
  • Elastic scaling for storage and compute
  • SQL support
  • Pay for what you use

InfluxDB Cloud

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High availability, limitless scale

  • Fully-managed service
  • Single-tenant
  • Custom tuning for storage and compute
  • Secure, private connections
  • Capacity-based pricing


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Limitless scale, on-prem and private cloud

  • Self-managed service
  • Deploy with Kubernetes
  • Custom tuning for storage and compute
  • Secure, private connections
  • Enhanced support