
Technology and Telecoms

At Hogan Lovells, we combine deep pools of technical and regulatory knowledge with the flexibility and responsiveness that our clients need to stay ahead. Our Technology and Telecommunications sector group unites teams from a broad range of backgrounds to offer guidance on matters legal, commercial, and technological.

Innovative legal solutions for a connected world. Technology and telecommunications are limitless. They link industries together. They unite us. A mix of incremental advances and giant leaps have forever reshaped the way we work and live. Crisis has only accelerated this change. Every day delivers fresh challenges and opportunities. Navigating the legal complexity of this shifting landscape demands knowledge and innovation.

Complex regulatory regimes with both challenges and opportunities. Privacy and data security concerns. Cross-border transactions. Mergers and acquisitions. Capital markets and financing matters. Intellectual property protection. Disputes. When it comes to managing risks and staying on top of the changing landscape, we have what you need. We provide the smart, practical, and forward thinking legal advice you require to succeed.

Our 350+ Technology and Telecommunications lawyers work with the biggest players in the market as well as those that are just emerging. We’ll join forces with your team to address your toughest legal scenarios in fast-moving areas such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, and 5G.

We’re here. We’re ready. We’re connected.

Representative experience

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