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Why industry leaders choose the HERE platform

Access data on demand

Discover a platform that's open to any customer or data set. Find out how our unifying Map Object Model (MOM) schema enables standardization and data interoperability.

Protect your data

Keeping your data private and secure is our top priority. That's why we designed a platform that performs with privacy-by-design at its core.

Reach markets faster

Choose where to store your data - our platform's multi-cloud architecture provides easy interoperability and fast speed to market regardless of where customer data sits.

Discover more

Join the HERE platform

Start building customizable maps and spatial intelligence content using your own data. Find out how our flexible and open platform can help expand your business offers and services.

Contact our sales team

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how HERE location technology can support your business, get in touch with our global sales team.

Partner with HERE

Join our global alliance of partners and find out how location technology can help meet your organization's needs and support you in building more efficient, effective solutions.

Get in touch

Tell us your unique needs and we'll help you find a solution.