Bronze 3
Since ‎03-11-2024
a month ago

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As there is a massive lack of any kind of information regarding the main event of the year of one of the biggest companies in the world, I have to ask here:* When can we pick up our badges? Day before 9th or strictly on Tuesday? * Why is there no Lin...
I am looking for an easy-to-query way to find the most suited region for all the services I am about to use. I do not want to set up cloud buckets in one region and then find out that the GPU that I would need does not even exist in that area and the...
I am looking for a way to import multiple 200mb+ image files into a folder of a storage bucket. My problem is that I don't control the source and have to deal with their exports which I will get via an API call. My go-to way would be a cloud function...