Since ‎03-25-2019

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The schedule history page is limited, so in cases we want to see more results we can use system activity’s scheduled_plan explore to see up to 60 days of results.All you need to do is replace the [YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE] section in the following link ...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Aug 20, 2019 This format will apply a pound format to values without decimals where name_value_format is an option: [$£-en-GB]#,##0Result:This following format will give you the decimals up to the number of zeros you add af...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Sep 22, 2020 The ProblemI have an NDT using bind_all_filters but get error:Cannot use native derived table "NDT_name" with "bind_all_filters" outside of its source explore "source_explore_name"This might be that:You have jo...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Dec 10, 2020 You can set an embed users locale by adding it to the user_atttributes parameter of the url. Example;user_attributes { "locale" : "fr_FR" }If you are not seeing these being applied for an embed user;Make sure t...
Knowledge DropLast tested: Sep 20, 2019 No, this doesn't cause PDTs to rebuild. :thumbsup:This content is subject to limited support.